Why helping the World Bank is a good idea

The World Bank lends $35 billion each year to countries in the name of reducing poverty and promoting development, but they currently have no mechanisms for evaluating the impacts their projects have on the actual humans affected by these investments (not even, curiously, for evaluating the effects of development loans on poverty).
With your support, NomoGaia is changing the way the World Bank does business in Burma.

Dec 8 rubber tapper

A rubber tapper from the local area, affected by the power plant.

Your donations employed a political prisoner to be our guide as we began research into the human rights impacts of a World Bank-funded power plant in Mon State. Our research triggered an ongoing investigation at the World Bank – they have hired an external reviewer to evaluate the risks we identified.

Dec 8 lead photo Shell w car

Shell, a political prisoner for 8 years, was our incredibly brave and insightful guide.

We are seeing some signs that the World Bank is modifying its broader approach to Burma to account for the risks we brought to the fore in this small investment.
Our report was cited by Human Rights Watch in their reviews of World Bank operations, broadening the reach of our work well beyond our means.

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