The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
SECI-DT Benban I - ARC | 37580 | Egypt | B | Project land is described as desert but no evaluation is made of herders or pastoral corridors. Simply that: "There are no Indigenous Peoples in the project area |
SECI Benban III Winnergy | 37713 | Egypt | B | IFC financed 11 of 39 projects in the new 37km2 industrial zone. IFC does not describe downgradient or legacy IP/herder impacts but noted there are no IPs presently "in the project area |
Number Two Piggeries Ltd | 37907 | South Africa | B | Operations spread throughout South Africa should consider IPs - even if impacts are ultimately not identified. This project was removed from the portfolio |
Adeco Agropecuaria Argentina | 36054 | Argentina | A | IFC bypassed PS7 despite identifying Mocovie communities (whose ancestral claims span San Joaquin and San Francisco regions) within 5km of at least two of the operation's sites |
CPLF Puertas Finas | 36529 | Mexico | B | Wood sourcing could affect indigenous communities in Mexico - but no project documentation describes any due diligence |
GTST Ethiopia III | 36565 | Ethiopia | B | Depending on access routes for imports (rail - road - pipeline) impacts on IPs are possible - especially if connecting 100km to Addis as proposed |
CPLF CSunshine | 36836 | China | C | The project is a USD 3m efficiency upgrade for a Jiangsu Prov factory but IFC issued USD 125m loan. CS operates in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region but no PS7 analysis |
Xina Solar One Ltd | 34051 | South Africa | B | The Khoekhoe consist of the Nama who reside mainly in North Cape. A PS7 review would have determined whether they were present |
Soufflet II | 34759 | Eastern Europe Region | B | Agriculture in East-Asian and Central-European countries targeted by IFC funds have indigenous presence that do not seem to have been acknowledged |
Africa Improved Foods Ltd | 34396 | Rwanda | B | The original site in Nyagatare was potentially Batwa land. PS 7 should have been triggered then |