Projects Missing Indigenous Peoples (PS7) Analysis

The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.

Project NameProject NumberCountryCategoryNature of Indigenous Risk
SECI-DT Benban I - ARC 37580 Egypt B Project land is described as desert but no evaluation is made of herders or pastoral corridors. Simply that: "There are no Indigenous Peoples in the project area
SECI Benban III Winnergy 37713 Egypt B IFC financed 11 of 39 projects in the new 37km2 industrial zone. IFC does not describe downgradient or legacy IP/herder impacts but noted there are no IPs presently "in the project area
Number Two Piggeries Ltd 37907 South Africa B Operations spread throughout South Africa should consider IPs - even if impacts are ultimately not identified. This project was removed from the portfolio
Adeco Agropecuaria Argentina 36054 Argentina A IFC bypassed PS7 despite identifying Mocovie communities (whose ancestral claims span San Joaquin and San Francisco regions) within 5km of at least two of the operation's sites
CPLF Puertas Finas 36529 Mexico B Wood sourcing could affect indigenous communities in Mexico - but no project documentation describes any due diligence
GTST Ethiopia III 36565 Ethiopia B Depending on access routes for imports (rail - road - pipeline) impacts on IPs are possible - especially if connecting 100km to Addis as proposed
CPLF CSunshine 36836 China C The project is a USD 3m efficiency upgrade for a Jiangsu Prov factory but IFC issued USD 125m loan. CS operates in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region but no PS7 analysis
Xina Solar One Ltd 34051 South Africa B The Khoekhoe consist of the Nama who reside mainly in North Cape. A PS7 review would have determined whether they were present
Soufflet II 34759 Eastern Europe Region B Agriculture in East-Asian and Central-European countries targeted by IFC funds have indigenous presence that do not seem to have been acknowledged
Africa Improved Foods Ltd 34396 Rwanda B The original site in Nyagatare was potentially Batwa land. PS 7 should have been triggered then

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