Projects Missing Indigenous Peoples (PS7) Analysis

The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.

Project NameProject NumberCountryCategoryNature of Indigenous Risk
Adenium Jordan I 35467 Jordan B PS7 should be considered in Ma'an - which is considered indigenous/tribal/Bedouin - where rural herders still have strong clan and kinship ties linked to resources
IHS Nigeria II 35725 Nigeria B PS5-8 evaluation did not occur for a footprint spanning Nigeria. Indigenous risks from IT expansions are substantial (e.g. Rohingya genocide)
Cargills Foods Company 33477 Sri Lanka B Where do agricultural inputs come from? Is there greenfield development planned?
Idea Cell Ltd 35083 India B This is equity and no footprint is articulated - but IPs are present across India
Hosen Investment Fund III 38599 China B Indonesia - Bangladesh - Myanmar - Laos - Vietnam - Philippines - Nepal and India should merit PS7 evaluation. Also New Hope operates in Xinjiang
Enel Wind Brazil 33579 Brazil A Pankararu live between 0 and 4 km from turbines and faced encroachment after the wind farm was built but IFC found PS7 inapplicable
Acuagranjas Exp 34073 Mexico B "Although there are Indigenous People living in the Region" PS7 was bypassed. Local authorities found the EIA in violation of ILO 169
Seven Energy 34450 Nigeria B Project docs do not mention IPs but the site is home to ethnic minority Annang and Oron peoples. Ethnic diversity and political exclusion should contribute to PS7 review here
CenturySunshine II 33903 China B Magnesium actually comes from Jilin and Xinjiang but this is not disclosed
Asahan I Hydro Electric Power Plant 33853 Indonesia B IFC invalidated the indigeneity of Batak peoples (who have distinct religion culture language and ties to resources including Danau Toba) simply claiming adverse impacts weren't identified

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