The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
Adenium Jordan I | 35467 | Jordan | B | PS7 should be considered in Ma'an - which is considered indigenous/tribal/Bedouin - where rural herders still have strong clan and kinship ties linked to resources |
IHS Nigeria II | 35725 | Nigeria | B | PS5-8 evaluation did not occur for a footprint spanning Nigeria. Indigenous risks from IT expansions are substantial (e.g. Rohingya genocide) |
Cargills Foods Company | 33477 | Sri Lanka | B | Where do agricultural inputs come from? Is there greenfield development planned? |
Idea Cell Ltd | 35083 | India | B | This is equity and no footprint is articulated - but IPs are present across India |
Hosen Investment Fund III | 38599 | China | B | Indonesia - Bangladesh - Myanmar - Laos - Vietnam - Philippines - Nepal and India should merit PS7 evaluation. Also New Hope operates in Xinjiang |
Enel Wind Brazil | 33579 | Brazil | A | Pankararu live between 0 and 4 km from turbines and faced encroachment after the wind farm was built but IFC found PS7 inapplicable |
Acuagranjas Exp | 34073 | Mexico | B | "Although there are Indigenous People living in the Region" PS7 was bypassed. Local authorities found the EIA in violation of ILO 169 |
Seven Energy | 34450 | Nigeria | B | Project docs do not mention IPs but the site is home to ethnic minority Annang and Oron peoples. Ethnic diversity and political exclusion should contribute to PS7 review here |
CenturySunshine II | 33903 | China | B | Magnesium actually comes from Jilin and Xinjiang but this is not disclosed |
Asahan I Hydro Electric Power Plant | 33853 | Indonesia | B | IFC invalidated the indigeneity of Batak peoples (who have distinct religion culture language and ties to resources including Danau Toba) simply claiming adverse impacts weren't identified |