Projects Missing Indigenous Peoples (PS7) Analysis

The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.

Project NameProject NumberCountryCategoryNature of Indigenous Risk
Indorama Cotton 42187 Uzbekistan A IFC claims the Minority Rights Group does not "recognize" IPs in Uzbekistan- they actually list 4 including the deeply oppressed Karakalpaks
Engee PET Manufacturing Limited 39713 Nigeria B IFC states: "There are no project affected persons." However - this was farmland until at least 2007 and IFC does not evaluate whether displaced farmers were indigenous
ALBA Asia 43573 China B IFC determined PS7 to be inapplicable without any knowledge of the project footprints for hazmat facilities
JK Paper 39821 India B IFC has 3 investments in JK Paper - each applying PS7 differently. 2010 - displaced IPs before the FPIC requirement. 2017 - applied PS7 but not FPIC. 2020 - found PS7 "n/a
MHP Corporate 34041 Ukraine B The Roma in Vinnytsia (esp since the 2014 Crimea invasion) are excluded from indigenous consideration because they do not make land claims
Discovery World 37715 Philippines B Two rural resort sites - but no mention of PS7
Energy Dev III 39842 Philippines B existing geothermal operations that are not likely to generate new impacts" but there are indigenous peoples on Mindanao who were not evaluated for potential impacts
Zain Iraq II 39715 Iraq B IT expansion may cross IP lands but IFC thought Zain's regulatory commitment to avoid resettlement and address chance cultural finds and biodiversity protected IPs
Genomma Lab 40144 Mexico B Toluca has a strong indigenous history. This appears Urban but if it's greenfield it could affect indigenous peoples. IFC does not say how it concludes IPs will be unaffected
Jain IV 40251 India B Irrigation has enabled industrial agriculture to displace SC/ST crops causing massive evictions. This role is never evaluated for JAIN

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