Projects Missing Indigenous Peoples (PS7) Analysis

The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.

Project NameProject NumberCountryCategoryNature of Indigenous Risk
Eleme Fertilizer II 40420 Nigeria B This scale-up will occupy additional - previously agricultural - territory in Rivers State - where IPs are present. IFC does not mention these IPs and does not apply PS7
Prothem 40902 Burundi B Client lacks "a due diligence and land acquisition procedure" making confirmation that IPs are un-impacted impossible. Yet PS7 was bypassed
PRAN Agro Business Ltd 40929 Bangladesh B Rajshahi and Natore have indigenous peoples but IFC does not acknowledge them: "neither indigenous peoples nor culturally sensitive sites are present
Sao Manoel 40264 Brazil B Sao Paolo and Goias have registered quilombolas. IFC's decision to bypass PS7 used language identical to conditions that triggered PS7 in Biosev (No. 34607) - also a sugar mill in Brazil
Craftsman III 40781 India B These are urban and industrial but the Indian government has placed industrial zones in and near indigenous lands in other contexts thus harming landless SC/STs
Omera LPG 40464 Bangladesh B Chittagong Hill Tracts are affected by Omera's operations - but IFC simply notes: "PS: 7 Indigenous Peoples - and PS8: Cultural Heritage are not considered to be applicable to the project.
PT Bajradaya Sentranusa 40507 Indonesia B The investment proposes to support development of new hydroelectric plants but the PS7 review only considers an existing HPP which wrongly dismisses Batak indigeneity
Olam Smallholder Crop Financing 40675 World Region B Olam operations are in numerous countries and regions with known impacts on indigenous peoples - which are never reported in IFC DD
China EDU Group 40453 China B Employment-oriented vocational schools in expansion across China should evaluate specific footprints in frontier regions
Juniper Glass 36680 Ethiopia B Where is sand sourced from? Only P1-P4 are considered

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