The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
Azure RG | 40099 | India | B | Greenfield projects located "across India" should consider SC/STs, even if footprints are generally small |
Canvest Corporate Loan | 40570 | China | B | Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is home to numerous IP groups unmentioned in IFC documentation. IFC claims no IPs "are known to have been in areas or affected by" the client |
Twiga Foods | 41195 | Kenya | B | IPs are not "known to have been affected" but if Twiga targets the rural and poor IPs could potentially be impacted and PS7 analysis would be sensible |
Srinivasa Farms | 41149 | India | B | Footprints are not known so the client must "consider" "applicable legal and other requirements". But unless PS7 is written into the loan agreement it is not a requirement at all |
Acajutla LNG | 34588 | El Salvador | A | ESIA sec 4.3.5 states that IPs (Lenca-Kakawira-NahuaPipil) live along the transmission line route. Consultants did not engage them so ESRS concluded they are not affected |
Trans Corpora | 40677 | Indonesia | B | Project footprint for tourism could affect Indonesian indigenous peoples depending on siting, but "Willing sellers" and established population centers are used to bypass PS7 |
Metro Myanmar | 40001 | Myanmar | B | A massive resettlement was carried out but indigeneity of the displaced was not considered. Satellite warehouses and docking stations should be evaluated for IP presence here regardless |
Sinu | 41152 | Colombia | B | IFC bypasses PS7 because "according to the Company" there are no IPs. The Ministry of Interior actually certified this but IFC did not mention it |
La Genoveva | 41190 | Argentina | A | There are Mapuche lands to the west of this site and Argentina has historically failed to acknowledge many IP claims. Project had no CommRel team and relied solely on ESIA to bypass PS |
Belgrade WtE | 37838 | Serbia | A | No indigenous evaluation was carried out but in 2021 the affected Roma populations brought a complaint to co-investor EBRD lamenting loss of livelihood |