The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
Telecom Argentina II | 40857 | Argentina | B | IFC's investment proposes to expand IT networks across Argentina and Paraguay - affecting connectivity through rural areas. IFC does not say why PS7 was bypassed |
Biopappel | 41357 | Mexico | B | Durango is home to the Tepehuan; Oaxaca is home to the Zapotec - Mistec - Mazateco - Chinateco - Mixe - Chatino - Trique - Huave and others. This mill only considered PS1-4 |
Aqua Expeditions | 38628 | Indonesia | B | Cambodian and Peruvian and Indonesian IPs can be adversely affected by tourism - esp in terms of culture and land use. Nothing beyond PS4 is even mentioned |
Camel Group | 41128 | China | A | This lead smelter has been built atop an ancient Uyghur irrigation system which Beijing rezoned as 'industrial' |
AC Energy Green Bond | 40227 | Vietnam | B | PS7 was flagged as "not applicable" but IFC does not disclose the footprint for expanded operations in an industry with a history of indigenous displacement |
Sierra Rutile 2 | 40101 | Sierra Leone | A | NomoGaia interviewed Foinda residents in 2008 who expressed a strong cultural tie to land - had ancestral roots there - and resisted Sierra Rutile's expansion |
PMH Property | 41772 | Vietnam | B | IFC's PS7 review was far stronger than at other projects but did not link PS7 questions to the displacement of households at the PHK eco-township on ancestral Muong lands |
FCS RE CIPREL V | 39096 | Cote D'Ivoire | A | IFC concludes IPs will not be impacted without knowing locations for new towers. "Willing" sellers plus a policy to notify IFC if installation will affect IP lands are in place but no PS7 |
Jointown Pharma | 41947 | China | B | Xinjiang footprints are adjacent to prison facilities. Inner Mongolia facilities should be evaluated. |
DCM Sugar | 42346 | India | B | If expansion requires additional inputs from suppliers (e.g. cane growers) - SC and ST could be affected. But IFC only considers the mill footprint for impacts |