The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
Golden Towers | 37255 | Vietnam | B | Unknown footprint for expanded operations is not addressed - but the project has been removed from the IFC portfolio. |
COFCO Noble | 37939 | World Region | A | 5 times 4 (2015-2018) IFC unsuccessfully required COFCO to source materials with "respect" of IPs. COFCO's Brazil (sugarcane and soy) Paraguay - Argentina - India operations affect IPs. IPs are not mentioned even as potential impacts on “ecologically se |
CMSA Manzanillo | 33776 | Mexico | B | Manzanilla was originally an indigenous port (puerto indigena de Tzalahua). Those ties may be gone but the greenfield development did not apparently consider them |
Bridge International | 32171 | Kenya | B | If schools are on indigenous lands there is an obligation to teach indigenous cultures (otherwise PS7 and FPIC are both in question). School sites did not document IP assessment |
BMM Cement | 36301 | India | B | SC and ST have strong presence in Andhra Pradesh (and SCs Gudipadu) but are not mentioned at all |
Aura Solar | 32871 | Mexico | B | ESIA states "the project is not located in or near IP lands" thus IPs "were not the focus of this review." IPs were the documented focus of any review |
Al-Jebrini | 41853 | West Bank and Gaza | B | IFC only considers current "presence" of IPs "within the Company's operational footprint." Questions persist about original land acquisition (PS7 Para 6) |
Afriflora | 35938 | Ethiopia | B | Lake Ziway is a vital resource for pastoralists - local indigenous populations and food supply. Competition for water resources was not evaluated for PS7 - only project footprint |
Alqueria II | 39308 | Colombia | B | Dairy farm expansion could infringe on IP lands but is not considered because the impacts are by suppliers not project footprint - IP farmers are identified but not apparently engaged |
COMASA | 41995 | Nicaragua | B | IFC identifies no IPs "in the area of influence of the centers that will be financed." Agriculture sourcing - often from IP land - is not described |