The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
Telecom Personal Argentina | 36171 | Argentina | B | IFC determines that "no Indigenous Peoples are expected to be affected" without articulating whether networks will cross indigenous lands or exclude IPs |
CalidraArgentina | 38366 | Mexico | B | Argentina and Chile have IPs that merit consideration for greenfield construction of calcium carbonate mining/processing. The PS evaluation describes nursing homes |
HFE Equity | 37910 | India | A | New footprint is not defined but existing footprint confirms that "tribal households" on government lands pre-dated the Dar MP project and lack traditional title |
PT Aneka Gas Industri Tbk | 38908 | Indonesia | B | Indonesia has vast indigenous populations unrecognized by the state and IFC produced no evidence that "no indigenous peoples are present |
Windiga BF | 36857 | Burkina Faso | B | IFC does not say how it or the client evaluated indigeneity among Burkina's ethnically - religiously and linguistically diverse population - which includes historically marginalized pastoralists |
Segou Solaire | 35853 | Mali | B | Herding routes could be affected and were not apparently considered by IFC: "The project is to be constructed in modified habitat with . . . no Indigenous Peoples |
Guangxi Yangxiang Co Ltd | 38720 | China | B | This is an autonomous region - land is being leased from government not communities - no articulation of how 'no IPs' was concluded |
Los Grobo Equity | 38193 | Argentina | B | GLG conducts E&S screening of properties" to avoid protected areas and indigenous lands. This is a legal process that does not cover unregistered/unprotected IPs |
Chint New Energy | 38815 | China | B | Chint's projects in Turkey are expected to screen for all PS risks as footprints are identified - but the ESAP cuts mention of IPs and the client has no history of doing IP reviews |
Xenel Wind Jordan | 35348 | Jordan | A | In Tafilah rural herders still have strong clan and kinship ties linked to resources. But IFC bypassed PS7 because no IPs "have been identified in the project area. |