The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
Bounty | 38743 | South Africa | B | There is no way of knowing the footprint's intersection with IPs - yet IFC concluded without documentation that - "the type of risks and impacts envisaged in PS7 . . . are not applicable |
Orazul Energia | 38489 | Latin America Region | A | Reference to sensitivities and 'tensions' in Peru but not IPs? |
NFD Loan | 38435 | Solomon Islands | A | A 50 percent increase in purse seine capacity could severely impact livelihoods - and the entire population is indigenous. Yet IFC bypassed PS7 because the expansion isn't onshore |
Clean Max Equity | 38331 | India | B | PS7 was found inapplicable on the two plans screened by IFC. Absent PS7 application the client has no reason to apply it to future (undetermined) projects and discloses no updates over time |
Granules III | 38095 | India | B | SCs and STs are present in Vishakhapatnam and disadvantaged - thus subject to evictions. No due diligence on project siting is described and only PS1-4 are listed at all |
PAN Farm | 37130 | Vietnam | B | Unknown footprint for expanded operations |
ETC India | 39370 | India | B | The footprint of the pulse processing facility is within the port of Kolkata - but IFC does not establish where the pulses, known to be displacing SC/ST communities are sourced from |
Apex International Limited | 38485 | Egypt | A | No footprint is described; indigenous peoples are present in Egypt but location-based IP analysis would not account for pastoralists and migratory communities |
Minsheng Edu | 38573 | China | B | Inner Mongolia education does not appear to evaluate whether effects on cultural heritage are inherent to curriculum. Private education could signal Han 'colonization' of frontier regions |
STG Cement | 38831 | Myanmar | A | A PS7 review was retroactively conducted (CAO complaint) but no analysis is made of carbon offset plans on indigenous Shan territory |