Projects Missing Indigenous Peoples (PS7) Analysis

The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.

Project NameProject NumberCountryCategoryNature of Indigenous Risk
Renova Crushing 38744 Argentina B IFC describes no due diligence on indigenous peoples at the site or in sourcing areas for agricultural inputs
Kioo Glass 38664 Tanzania B IFC indicates that "Findings of the due diligence confirmed no presence of indigenous people." But no project documentation indicates where sand/glass is sourced from
Bangla LNG 38502 Bangladesh B The project is located 2.4 km offshore - with a minimal onshore footprint" It is offshore of Chittagong hill tract land - indigenous uses of waters and waterfronts were not evaluated
Kingenta 39459 China B Agricultural could be on IP lands. Kingenta's footprint includes Xinjiang to be closer to agriculture. But only operational footprints are evaluated for formal IP claims
Xiang Niang 38881 China B Operations at the Khorgos border crossing - Xinjiang
ESIP Power2SME 39386 India B IFC found "the type of risks and impacts envisaged in PS7 (Indigenous Peoples)" N/A. The risks would be associated with the SMEs aggregated by the project - but these are not assessed in any way.
LLP Peru 39427 Peru B Lurin is adjacent to an ancient burial site. Its borders aren't defined. Internally displaced Quechua squatters have settled in both areas and were violently evicted in 2015
Jalles Machado 39264 Brazil B Goias has 54 registered quilombolas and IFC's decision to bypass PS7 used language identical to conditions that triggered PS7 in Biosev (No. 34607) - also a sugar mill in Brazil
Omarsa II 39856 Ecuador B The indigenous peoples of Puna were annihilated in the 1500s - but Inca descendants and Puna descendants still inhabit the area and should be considered for potential PS7
Daehan Wind Power Company 35349 Jordan A PS7 should be considered in Tafilah - where rural herders still have strong clan and kinship ties linked to resources

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