The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
Renova Crushing | 38744 | Argentina | B | IFC describes no due diligence on indigenous peoples at the site or in sourcing areas for agricultural inputs |
Kioo Glass | 38664 | Tanzania | B | IFC indicates that "Findings of the due diligence confirmed no presence of indigenous people." But no project documentation indicates where sand/glass is sourced from |
Bangla LNG | 38502 | Bangladesh | B | The project is located 2.4 km offshore - with a minimal onshore footprint" It is offshore of Chittagong hill tract land - indigenous uses of waters and waterfronts were not evaluated |
Kingenta | 39459 | China | B | Agricultural could be on IP lands. Kingenta's footprint includes Xinjiang to be closer to agriculture. But only operational footprints are evaluated for formal IP claims |
Xiang Niang | 38881 | China | B | Operations at the Khorgos border crossing - Xinjiang |
ESIP Power2SME | 39386 | India | B | IFC found "the type of risks and impacts envisaged in PS7 (Indigenous Peoples)" N/A. The risks would be associated with the SMEs aggregated by the project - but these are not assessed in any way. |
LLP Peru | 39427 | Peru | B | Lurin is adjacent to an ancient burial site. Its borders aren't defined. Internally displaced Quechua squatters have settled in both areas and were violently evicted in 2015 |
Jalles Machado | 39264 | Brazil | B | Goias has 54 registered quilombolas and IFC's decision to bypass PS7 used language identical to conditions that triggered PS7 in Biosev (No. 34607) - also a sugar mill in Brazil |
Omarsa II | 39856 | Ecuador | B | The indigenous peoples of Puna were annihilated in the 1500s - but Inca descendants and Puna descendants still inhabit the area and should be considered for potential PS7 |
Daehan Wind Power Company | 35349 | Jordan | A | PS7 should be considered in Tafilah - where rural herders still have strong clan and kinship ties linked to resources |