The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
Wadi IV | 39716 | Egypt | B | It would be important to know if the lands were used by nomadic herders. IFC notes only that IPs have not "been identified in the areas to be developed or affected by the project |
Rewa Actis | 39866 | India | B | Lands for the solar plant have not been explicitly designated as tribal but over 30 pct of the pop is ST/SC who are disproportionately landless and vulnerable to displacement |
Fenglin III | 39801 | China | B | There are at least 10 IP groups in the Guangxi Region and areas around Nanning - including large communities of Zhuang. Assimilation was grounds to bypass PS7 |
Mahindra Life | 38850 | India | B | The projects expand beyond industrial zones but only note that registered "tribal land" is not taken. For landless SC/STs facing displacement no consideration is made |
Almarai | 38323 | Egypt | B | Bedouin herders us Beheira rangeland half the year. The project expansion is industrial but relies on expanded agricultural inputs that could affect herding corridors |
Haid Intl | 39543 | China | B | IFC decided not to apply PS7 without knowing footprints because Haid buys existing mills and outsources ag. But PS7 is applicable to existing operations (Para 6)and 'associated facilities' (PS1) |
Vicentin LTD | 40038 | Argentina | B | Corrupt owners bankrupted the firm in 2020. The National Indigenous Peasant Movement called for restoration of indigenous land uses which IFC had never evaluated |
Zorlu Solar I | 39799 | Pakistan | B | The Cholistan Desert is on a herding corridor. IFC found PS7 "not applicable because there are no indigenous peoples affected by the Project. |
Best Logistics | 37837 | China | B | Logistics operations extending into Xinjiang - Inner Mongolia and other frontier regions are designed to dilute culture. IFC only scoped PS7 review to warehouse footprints |
Olam II WC Loan | 34841 | World Region | B | Olam operations are in numerous countries and regions with known impacts on indigenous peoples - which are never reported in IFC DD |