Projects Missing Indigenous Peoples (PS7) Analysis

The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.

Project NameProject NumberCountryCategoryNature of Indigenous Risk
Canvest WTE 36962 China B This is in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region - but IFC concludes " no indigenous people are known to have been in areas or affected by projects
Ecom Corp Loan 36815 World Region A Agricultural inputs could affect IPs if farms are coerced into new crops ("any development would be limited to replanting with higher producing coffee or cocoa plants")
OAWPL and OAPWPL 37086 India B A greenfield purchase from a 'willing buyer' but where STs/SCs would not have held title does not meet PS7 ("no significant adverse impacts on bird - bats or Indigenous Peoples have been identified")
Phoenix Tower BR 36722 Brazil B It would be important to know if this project will affect connectivity for IPs or if rollout will increase connectivity for non-IPs while using IP lands for infrastructure expansion
SRF India BOPET 37933 India B IFC claims the footprint is empty but satellite imagery shows it populated with farmers. 21 percent of Madhya Pradesh are STs (Including 3 'Special Primitive Tribal Groups')
Myanma Awba Group Company Limited 35880 Myanmar B Project footprints "across Myanmar" should consider IP impacts but IFC relies on formal titles and restricts analysis to "operational footprint" excluding all agriculture (CAO complaint resulted)
Agrofertil Ext 37602 Paraguay B Agricultural inputs enable farm encroachment which wasn't analyzed
Promasidor Nigeria Limited 37143 Nigeria B IFC asserts that PS7 is "not applicable" without considering where agricultural inputs will be sourced from or how far beyond the fence indigenous impacts might occur
DCM Shriram Limited Bharuch II 36511 India B If brownfield expansion requires additional inputs from suppliers - SC and ST could be affected - but these impacts are not evaluated by IFC which is restricted to project footprint
Indorama Port 38096 Nigeria B This is quasi-urban but there's very mixed land use in Onne including a large IPs population. IFC rejects their indigeneity: "There are no Indigenous Peoples in Nigeria

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