The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
AES Panama LNG | 37456 | Panama | A | Panama's indigenous peoples have directly complained to IFC about oversight. In project appraisal IFC identified "no impacts" on IPs |
Anagram Equity | 38150 | Pakistan | B | IFC does not indicate where agricultural inputs (dairy products/ cow farms) will be sourced from and only "operational footprint" is considered. Language about farmers does note evaluate indigeneity |
Soufflet LT | 38083 | Eastern Europe Region | B | IFCs due diligence did not identify issues related to matters covered by PS 5-8" but relied on regulations and land sales that exclude migrant populations (eg Roma) |
Metro Power Company Limited | 33496 | Pakistan | B | Jhimpir is home to landless herders (IPs) - but IFC concludes "no Indigenous Peoples will be affected" without considering these populations |
Puertas Finas II | 33550 | Mexico | B | The project due diligence considers utilities - permits and road access but does not consider wood sourcing or its potential impacts on indigenous peoples |
VAALCO III | 33781 | Gabon | A | Onshore Gabon oil exploration should trigger consideration of potential IPs |
Azura Edo IPP | 32859 | Nigeria | A | 3 communities were displaced and IFC notes that cultural heritage is impacted. High levels of sectarian and cult violence linked to land and ethnicity did not trigger PS7 review |
Jabi Lake Mall | 33877 | Nigeria | B | There are no identified IPs in Nigeria |
Adjaristsqali Georgia LLC | 33435 | Georgia | A | Georgia's marginalized (often Muslim) ethnic groups are in the southwest where the HPPs are located. IPs were not "identified in the project area" but not clearly looked for |
Acuagranjas Exp. | 34073 | Mexico | B | "Although there are Indigenous People living in the Region" PS7 was bypassed. Local authorities found the EIA in violation of ILO 169 |