Projects Missing Indigenous Peoples (PS7) Analysis

The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.

Project NameProject NumberCountryCategoryNature of Indigenous Risk
AES Panama LNG 37456 Panama A Panama's indigenous peoples have directly complained to IFC about oversight. In project appraisal IFC identified "no impacts" on IPs
Anagram Equity 38150 Pakistan B IFC does not indicate where agricultural inputs (dairy products/ cow farms) will be sourced from and only "operational footprint" is considered. Language about farmers does note evaluate indigeneity
Soufflet LT 38083 Eastern Europe Region B IFCs due diligence did not identify issues related to matters covered by PS 5-8" but relied on regulations and land sales that exclude migrant populations (eg Roma)
Metro Power Company Limited 33496 Pakistan B Jhimpir is home to landless herders (IPs) - but IFC concludes "no Indigenous Peoples will be affected" without considering these populations
Puertas Finas II 33550 Mexico B The project due diligence considers utilities - permits and road access but does not consider wood sourcing or its potential impacts on indigenous peoples
VAALCO III 33781 Gabon A Onshore Gabon oil exploration should trigger consideration of potential IPs
Azura Edo IPP 32859 Nigeria A 3 communities were displaced and IFC notes that cultural heritage is impacted. High levels of sectarian and cult violence linked to land and ethnicity did not trigger PS7 review
Jabi Lake Mall 33877 Nigeria B There are no identified IPs in Nigeria
Adjaristsqali Georgia LLC 33435 Georgia A Georgia's marginalized (often Muslim) ethnic groups are in the southwest where the HPPs are located. IPs were not "identified in the project area" but not clearly looked for
Acuagranjas Exp. 34073 Mexico B "Although there are Indigenous People living in the Region" PS7 was bypassed. Local authorities found the EIA in violation of ILO 169

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