The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
Sinofarm | 34001 | China | B | Lands are acquired through government - even though the region is nominally 'autonomous' and state land allocations violate IP self-determination |
El Dovio | 34112 | Colombia | B | One footprint is on Acadesan Afro-Colombian lands. Another is on IP Tutira Bonanza and Natacoy Pijao IP lands. ESAP required IP protections w/o applying PS7 it |
Mriya IV | 34104 | Ukraine | B | Ukrainian minorities and indigenous peoples are concentrated in this area but IFC focused only land claims on the project footprint "or prior cultural asset history |
Niko | 34359 | Southern Asia Region | A | IP risks in a West Papua field required PS7 analysis that has not been documented. Greenfield exploration in Bay of Bengal during Rohingya genocide required no analysis |
Flexituff | 33525 | India | B | Manufacturing expansion in India and Brazil would merit PS7 consideration - but IFC simply states PS6 and PS7 "do not apply" |
China Three Gorges South Asia Investment Limited | 34062 | Pakistan | A | Investments by this holding company include footprints in the Jhimpir Wind Corridor and on Kashmiri rivers. Bypassing PS7 hews to Pakistani disregard for IPs |
National Cement Company Ltd | 32888 | Kenya | A | Mbirikani (new greenfield facility) and Merrueshi (limestone quarry) are in Massai lands. The company used "willing seller" rules to buy it (PS7 would not permit this) |
Rudine WPP | 34079 | Croatia | B | Roma - Serbs and Bosniacs are in Croatia as indigenous people and ethnic minorities. IFC bypasses PS7 saying "there are no indigenous peoples residing in the project area. |
Novomet | 33480 | Russian Federation | B | Greenfield service centers in Turkey - Romania - Iraq - Mexico - Argentina and Indonesia. PS7 could be applicable in any of those countries if footprints were known |
Westfalia Fruto Mocambique (Pty) ltd | 34183 | South Africa | B | IFC finds PS7 inapplicable because the client "does not have assets or land negatively impacting indigenous peoples - nor purchase fruits from indigenous peoples." This claim is not evidenced |