The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
Probiotech | 33069 | Nepal | B | Agricultural input sourcing and evaluation of greenfield development near brownfield operations both pose potential impacts to IPs in the country context |
DJEPL and UUPPL | 34565 | India | B | Operation claim that tribal land won't be purchased - not that STs and SCs won't be affected. 1/3 of Mamatkheda and 1/5 of Pingrala is ST/SC |
On Telecom | 33142 | Brazil | B | E&S review for PS1 was expected "to identify and mitigate" IP impacts but no assessment of IPs is documented |
PPC Barnet DRC | 34135 | Congo - Democratic Republic of | A | No ESIA is available (NTS describes what the ESIA would likely cover). It's unclear how the displaced communities have been identified as 'not indigenous' |
GTST Ethiopia II | 34934 | Ethiopia | B | A driver for this project is a proposed gas line to Addis - nearly 1000 km away. IPs should be evaluated on the corridor |
Lucid Colloids | 34335 | India | B | Willing buyer/willing seller approaches are used to justify bypassing PS7 without determining indigenous presence |
Helios Towers Africa Ltd | 34963 | Africa Region | B | See Helios HTA II documentation which is identical |
Terra AMC | 34451 | Congo - Democratic Republic of | A | IFC would need to articulate how it made determinations of indigeneity in Katanga. "No IPs are present in the area of the farms or where the mill is located |
Tuxpan | 32817 | Mexico | B | Veracruz is 29 percent indigenous. It is unclear how affected peoples non-indigeneity was determined |
Agrotec Extension | 34095 | Paraguay | B | PS7 could consider whether Agrotec services are promoting agricultural development on indigenous lands in Paraguay |