Projects Missing Indigenous Peoples (PS7) Analysis

The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.

Project NameProject NumberCountryCategoryNature of Indigenous Risk
Borborema 34022 Brazil B There's at least 1 quilombo in Currais Novos (NEGROS DO RIACHO). The project reviewed FUNAI (the indigenous registry) - not FCP (the quilombola registry)
Luz del Norte 34405 Chile B The Atacama desert is home to indigenous groups (e.g. the Diaguita)
SAMHI 34227 India B Indigenous peoples are frequently displaced by tourist and hotel interests in India. The language (PS7 "seems not to apply") does not suggest meaningful review occurred
Jubilant Pharma 35027 India B This pharma firm spun off a $110m 'ingredients' business. IFC did not consider that this company might affect IPs whose lands produce ag inputs
Powergrid Equity 34442 India A Grids cross SC and ST lands without equitably distributing services. IFC requires consideration only if "significant adverse impacts" are likely. Landless 'sharecroppers' are excluded
Al Safi Danone Iraq LLC 34376 Iraq B Manufacturing is in Erbil adjacent to Kurdistan governorate - project does not indicate where cows are located
Fenglin II 35042 China B Sourcing for agricultural inputs (this is in an autonomous region) should consider potential PS7
HDB 34846 Brazil A This project indesputably is impacting indigenous and Afrobrazilian communities (see paper)
Elengy Terminal 34603 Pakistan A Port Qasim is urbanized but the inland footprint is susceptible to contested land claims. The 3km right of way is only negotiated with formal owners
Falcon PV 35483 Jordan B Ma'an is considered indigenous (and often hostile) territory. IFC financed solar projects for at least 3 of 11 plots in the area creating cumulative impacts

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