The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
Borborema | 34022 | Brazil | B | There's at least 1 quilombo in Currais Novos (NEGROS DO RIACHO). The project reviewed FUNAI (the indigenous registry) - not FCP (the quilombola registry) |
Luz del Norte | 34405 | Chile | B | The Atacama desert is home to indigenous groups (e.g. the Diaguita) |
SAMHI | 34227 | India | B | Indigenous peoples are frequently displaced by tourist and hotel interests in India. The language (PS7 "seems not to apply") does not suggest meaningful review occurred |
Jubilant Pharma | 35027 | India | B | This pharma firm spun off a $110m 'ingredients' business. IFC did not consider that this company might affect IPs whose lands produce ag inputs |
Powergrid Equity | 34442 | India | A | Grids cross SC and ST lands without equitably distributing services. IFC requires consideration only if "significant adverse impacts" are likely. Landless 'sharecroppers' are excluded |
Al Safi Danone Iraq LLC | 34376 | Iraq | B | Manufacturing is in Erbil adjacent to Kurdistan governorate - project does not indicate where cows are located |
Fenglin II | 35042 | China | B | Sourcing for agricultural inputs (this is in an autonomous region) should consider potential PS7 |
HDB | 34846 | Brazil | A | This project indesputably is impacting indigenous and Afrobrazilian communities (see paper) |
Elengy Terminal | 34603 | Pakistan | A | Port Qasim is urbanized but the inland footprint is susceptible to contested land claims. The 3km right of way is only negotiated with formal owners |
Falcon PV | 35483 | Jordan | B | Ma'an is considered indigenous (and often hostile) territory. IFC financed solar projects for at least 3 of 11 plots in the area creating cumulative impacts |