The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
Shamsuna PV | 35460 | Jordan | B | Bedouin herders should likely be consulted |
ACWA Kirikkale | 35395 | Turkey | A | A rural greenfield plant with a 120km transmission line across Turkey should evaluate IP presence. IFC does not evidence the conclusion that IPs are absent |
Arabia One Solar | 35474 | Jordan | B | Ma'an is considered indigenous (and often hostile) territory |
Smithfield Roman | 34984 | Romania | B | Pork processing poses risks to downgradient communities (including Roma) but IP evaluation only seems to consider slaughterhouse footprints (not even farms) |
Ethiop Coffee II | 35023 | Ethiopia | B | These regions were autonomous and are ethnically unique. The investment may benefit the communities - but should nevertheless involve some analysis of impacts |
Pacifico Solar | 34975 | Honduras | B | Choluteca is Chorotega lands but client purchased from 13 owners. Adjacent communities allegedly "illicitly" harvest Jicaro trees on the land. Their indigeneity is never evaluated |
Eaton Uganda II | 35366 | Uganda | B | |
Azure Clean | 35058 | India | B | Greenfield projects should consider Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes |
Gama Enerji | 32258 | Turkey | A | Gama runs energy projects in Turkey and groundwater harvesting in Jordan. Ma'an's indigenous Bedouins violently assaulted construction workers for crossing their lands (PS7 was never considered) |
New Hope SEA | 34007 | China | B | China - Vietnam - Indonesia - Philippines - Bangladesh - Myanmar - Las - Cambodia - Sri Lanka have substantial indigenous populations. IFC has no project footprints to justify bypassing PS7 |