Projects Missing Indigenous Peoples (PS7) Analysis

The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.

Project NameProject NumberCountryCategoryNature of Indigenous Risk
Shamsuna PV 35460 Jordan B Bedouin herders should likely be consulted
ACWA Kirikkale 35395 Turkey A A rural greenfield plant with a 120km transmission line across Turkey should evaluate IP presence. IFC does not evidence the conclusion that IPs are absent
Arabia One Solar 35474 Jordan B Ma'an is considered indigenous (and often hostile) territory
Smithfield Roman 34984 Romania B Pork processing poses risks to downgradient communities (including Roma) but IP evaluation only seems to consider slaughterhouse footprints (not even farms)
Ethiop Coffee II 35023 Ethiopia B These regions were autonomous and are ethnically unique. The investment may benefit the communities - but should nevertheless involve some analysis of impacts
Pacifico Solar 34975 Honduras B Choluteca is Chorotega lands but client purchased from 13 owners. Adjacent communities allegedly "illicitly" harvest Jicaro trees on the land. Their indigeneity is never evaluated
Eaton Uganda II 35366 Uganda B
Azure Clean 35058 India B Greenfield projects should consider Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
Gama Enerji 32258 Turkey A Gama runs energy projects in Turkey and groundwater harvesting in Jordan. Ma'an's indigenous Bedouins violently assaulted construction workers for crossing their lands (PS7 was never considered)
New Hope SEA 34007 China B China - Vietnam - Indonesia - Philippines - Bangladesh - Myanmar - Las - Cambodia - Sri Lanka have substantial indigenous populations. IFC has no project footprints to justify bypassing PS7

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