Projects Missing Indigenous Peoples (PS7) Analysis

The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.

Project NameProject NumberCountryCategoryNature of Indigenous Risk
Acme Solar NSM 35187 India B Indigenous SC/ST peoples are present in the region but project documents make no mention of indigeneity at all
Gulpur Hydro 32874 Pakistan A IFC concludes that "There are no Indigenous Peoples in the project area." The project area is in Kashmir - the indigenous homeland of the Kashmiris
Green Infra Wind 35415 India B Greenfield projects should consider SC and ST (many other Indian renewables projects triggered PS7)
HKA 34552 Turkey B Demonstrating that PS7 due diligence was not undertaken - IFC concluded for this project: " There are no indigenous people in the host country
Gul Ahmed Wind Limited 35088 Pakistan B Jhimpir is home to landless herders (IPs)
Millicom Tchad SA 34297 Chad B If cell towers go up on Fulani or Toubou land PS7 should be triggered - and the investigation would need to be thorough since the Fulani are landless pastoralists
Cravings Equity 35471 Philippines B Palawan has mountain and coastal indigenous peoples - including around El Nido. Illegal logging for tourism (like this project) may be affecting indigenous lands and cultures
Road Holdco 34415 India A Informal settlers" on the RoW are never evaluated for indigeneity and future acquisitions are required to adhere to PS5. "Settlements" are frequently SC/ST populations
Atopco Beef 35839 China B IFC did not identify cattle farm or slaughterhouse footprints in Uruguay (or acknowledge that Atopco, New Hope, operates in Xinjiang) but deemed PS7 "not expected
Dangote Industries Limited 33744 Nigeria A In 2005 this was agricultural land. IFC doesn't state who was here - how they were removed - or if their indigeneity was assessed

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