The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
Lacteos Toni II | 36550 | Ecuador | B | The " area of influence" was "absent" of IPs "as defined by" WBG but PS7 would require the client to know if communities self-identify as indigenous which was never evaluated |
Vicentin Pre Exp | 36265 | Argentina | B | Corrupt owners bankrupted the firm in 2020. The National Indigenous Peasant Movement called for restoration of indigenous land uses which IFC had never evaluated |
Karot Hydro | 36008 | Pakistan | A | IFC called 16 resettled villages "homogeneous" but they are home to 7 ethnic groups (including the nomadic Gujjar) and 4 languages along the culturally significant Jhulum River |
REDSTONE | 34050 | South Africa | B | The Khoekhoe consist of the Nama who reside mainly in the Province of the North Cape and PS7 review could have determined if they were present |
Indorama | 42352 | Uzbekistan | A | Indigenous and ethnic minority populations in Uzbekistan are not evaluated - even though the cotton industry has impacted a broad swathe of the population |
Omarsa Ecuador | 36819 | Ecuador | B | The indigenous peoples of Puna were annihilated in the 1500s - but Inca descendants and Puna descendants still inhabit the area |
KTDA Small Hydro | 36402 | Kenya | B | These projects are in 5 provinces - and evaluation of IPs would be appropriate |
Citla Energy | 37179 | Mexico | A | Investments ended up being offshore but were planned to be onshore - which should have triggered consideration of indigenous peoples in Mexico |
MGES Power | 37045 | Iraq | B | In 2017 Kurds launched rockets at this power plant. In 2018 they blocked roads. Power bypasses Kurdish communities but IFC did not apply PS7 to safeguard them |
Belagricola | 34883 | Brazil | B | Largescale agriculture across Parana could affect IP and Quilombolo lands. There are seven traditional communities (povos faixinais) in Imbituva |