The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
Azure Karnataka | 36716 | India | B | Greenfield projects should consider SC/ST - no location is listed in the ESRS. There are 49 distinct SCs and STs (not including the sub-tribes of the Bhil) in Karnataka |
Continental Warehousing Corporation (Nhava Seva) Limited | 36727 | India | B | Sites will be greenfield in urban and rural settings across India but no indigenous review was conducted |
Vegpro Ghana | 30611 | Ghana | B | 50-year agricultural land leases in Ghana are large enough to potentially affect traditional farming and herding |
Finsch | 31741 | South Africa | B | The Khoekhoe consist of the Nama who reside mainly in the North Cape. They were not assessed for presence or impacts |
Grameen Phone V | 30603 | Bangladesh | B | Across Bangladesh" theoretically includes indigenous lands e.g. Chittagong Hill Tribes |
Sea Dragon | 31614 | Egypt | A | Onshore oil and gas exploration's large footprint should consider potential overlap with nomadic IPs |
Hospitaria | 30281 | Mexico | B | There are indigenous peoples in this area. IFC did not locate them: "No Indigenous People are impacted by the location of the proposed project |
Power Grid | 31419 | India | A | The 2014 investment (No. 34442) acknowledges affected IPS but not this one. In 2019 the Indian SC/ST Council confirmed the project alienated rights |
Russian Towers | 31683 | Russian Federation | B | Rural/frontier Russia has IPs, but these communities were not considered |
SIPRA CI | 31422 | Cote D'Ivoire | B | Operations are across greater Abidjan including in rural Bingerville. Consideration of indigeneity would be appropriate |