Projects Missing Indigenous Peoples (PS7) Analysis

The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.

Project NameProject NumberCountryCategoryNature of Indigenous Risk
URBI Verde I 31548 Mexico B IFC bypassed PS7 "given the corporate loan nature of the investment." "Willing sellers" and the absence of past complaints replace location data
CCL Products 31799 Vietnam B IPs are historically affected by coffee growing in the hills of Dak Lak
OC Egypt 32004 Egypt B The company has a vast international (Algeria, Iraq, Afghanistan) and Egyptian footprint that merits consideration of PS7
LMS Toll Project 26139 Indonesia A IPs in West Java lack recognition but are present and should be considered for PS7
Abengoa CSP SA 31083 South Africa B The Khoekhoe consist of the Nama who reside mainly in the Province of the North Cape
Eaton Uganda 32038 Uganda B The project spans rural Uganda where service access is inequitable and land ties vary substantially. IPs may not benefit from towers or desire them on their lands
Kongo Coffee 31367 Papua New Guinea B PS7 should be used to assure that local coffee growers are willing participants - all PNG peoples are indigenous
Alliance Tire 31828 India B Jhagadia (Baruch District) is an actual Scheduled area - all lands are indigenous
Farmsecure RSF 31519 South Africa B Operations spread throughout South Africa should consider IPs as tribal peoples vary across the geography
Inabensa Bharat 31712 India B Greenfield projects should consider potential SC and ST presence in Gujarat where 15 percent of the population is indigenous

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