The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
URBI Verde I | 31548 | Mexico | B | IFC bypassed PS7 "given the corporate loan nature of the investment." "Willing sellers" and the absence of past complaints replace location data |
CCL Products | 31799 | Vietnam | B | IPs are historically affected by coffee growing in the hills of Dak Lak |
OC Egypt | 32004 | Egypt | B | The company has a vast international (Algeria, Iraq, Afghanistan) and Egyptian footprint that merits consideration of PS7 |
LMS Toll Project | 26139 | Indonesia | A | IPs in West Java lack recognition but are present and should be considered for PS7 |
Abengoa CSP SA | 31083 | South Africa | B | The Khoekhoe consist of the Nama who reside mainly in the Province of the North Cape |
Eaton Uganda | 32038 | Uganda | B | The project spans rural Uganda where service access is inequitable and land ties vary substantially. IPs may not benefit from towers or desire them on their lands |
Kongo Coffee | 31367 | Papua New Guinea | B | PS7 should be used to assure that local coffee growers are willing participants - all PNG peoples are indigenous |
Alliance Tire | 31828 | India | B | Jhagadia (Baruch District) is an actual Scheduled area - all lands are indigenous |
Farmsecure RSF | 31519 | South Africa | B | Operations spread throughout South Africa should consider IPs as tribal peoples vary across the geography |
Inabensa Bharat | 31712 | India | B | Greenfield projects should consider potential SC and ST presence in Gujarat where 15 percent of the population is indigenous |