Projects Missing Indigenous Peoples (PS7) Analysis

The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.

Project NameProject NumberCountryCategoryNature of Indigenous Risk
Helios HTA II 32555 Africa Region B Telecom network expansions can cover vast territories and affect lands (making some uncultivable) and cultures (changing relationships and power dynamics).
KTDA 32216 Kenya B Warehouse does not appear to be on indigenous lands - but Kipsigis and Talai clans were displaced for tea and they (nor other tribes) are unmentioned
Calidra International 31587 Mexico B IFC concluded "there are no Indigenous People" without describing an assessment. Mexico - Peru and Colombia all have IPs and the sites are greenfield
Nature Forestry 31815 China A ESRS identifies land acquisition "and the potential to impact indigenous groups" as key issues at existing plantations. New mills in Peru and plantation in Guangxi create additional risk but no PS7
Oyu Tolgoi LLC 29007 Mongolia A Oyu Tolgoi is on indigenous lands. IP impacts include physical displacement and the rerouting of sacred waters - which was not evaluated for its cultural significance
IAS 32061 Cote D'Ivoire B There is a question of whether these chopper sales facilitate oil and gas impacts on indigenous lands. PS1 associated facilities questions are not addressed to apply PS7
NSL Wind 30596 India B Satara district's SCs and STs (5-10 percent of pop.) have faced violence in recent years. Ethnic majorities determined whether they required protections, it seems - no IP engagement is documented
MCS Property 31669 Mongolia B Local populations say there are IPs at the Kuhaa Khudag (UHG) mine site.
Eleme Fertilizer 30967 Nigeria B IP evaluation for lands traversed by the 84-km gas line was not apparently done
Hans Merensky 31557 South Africa B Operations spread throughout South Africa - Peru and Colombia should consider IPs - even if impacts are ultimately not identified

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