The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
OCL II | 32057 | India | A | See paper - communities were promised a children's playground and lost access to communal forest and homes without getting PS7 protections |
MHP WCF | 32632 | Ukraine | B | The Roma in Vinnytsia (esp since the 2014 Crimea invasion) are excluded from indigenous consideration because they do not make land claims |
Umeme Ltd | 32795 | Uganda | B | The assumption is that Uganda's land registry is comprehensive - but it does not recognize tribal or customary lands |
Tenaga Generasi Limited | 30145 | Pakistan | B | There are SCs in Sindh - as well as a mix of tribal populations |
Value and Budget Housing Corporation | 28392 | India | B | Siting affordable housing projects could potentially affect SCs and STs |
Wings SouthSouth | 32209 | Nigeria | B | There are no Indigenous Peoples in Nigeria |
Tafila Wind | 31627 | Jordan | B | PS7 should be considered in Tafilah where rural herders still have strong clan and kinship ties linked to resources. They do not make title claims so PS7 was bypassed |
Transglobe | 32875 | Egypt | B | Onshore oil and gas exploration's large footprint should consider potential overlap with nomadic IPs |
Bhilwara Captive | 33351 | India | B | Bhil and Mina tribes are in Jaisalmer but were not assessed |
Petroceltic | 33324 | Egypt | B | Onshore oil and gas exploration's large footprint should consider potential overlap with nomadic IPs |