The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
SunEdison Merchant | 33456 | Chile | B | The Atacama desert is home to indigenous groups (e.g. the Diaguita) |
SunEdison CAP | 33191 | Chile | B | The Atacama desert is home to indigenous groups (e.g. the Diaguita) |
La Huayca II | 33192 | Chile | B | The Atacama desert is home to indigenous groups (e.g. the Diaguita). The ESIA - which is not public and thus could not be evaluated - did not identify them |
Avantel LTE | 33688 | Colombia | B | IFC indicates "PS2 through PS8" are covered through "all relevant local permits" but PS7 risk is not a permitting issue. OPIC co-financing added conditions to protect sensitive lands |
Velocity | 32357 | Ethiopia | B | Oromos have distinct ethnicity culture governance and land ties. State security has killed hundreds of Oromos (incl during Nov 2015 protests against expansion of Addis into Oromia) |
africaJUICE | 33523 | Ethiopia | B | Agricultural inputs (associated facilities) are not assessed but pose risks to indigenous peoples in the country |
Pearl Dairy | 33405 | Uganda | B | There are Batwa in the south of Uganda. PS7 should at least be considered - even if IP presence is unlikely |
Nafith Logistics Services PSC | 32425 | Iraq | B | Basra is home to a large population of Faili Kurds |
Delonex Energy | 33557 | Africa Region | A | This Kenya project is on Turkana lands but never mentions the Turkana people (it became the source of a CAO complaint) |
TCBuen II | 32481 | Colombia | B | Located on Afro-descendant (IP) coastline and affecting fishing and mangroves - IFC concludes "No physical resettlement will take place or impacts on Indigenous Peoples are expected. |