The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
CP Achiras SA | 39358 | Argentina | B | Lands were acquired from willing sellers but contested claims by IPs were not considered. IPs are described as "withdrawn" and would not have been identified without effort |
La Castellana | 39065 | Argentina | A | There are Mapuche lands to the west of this site and Argentina has historically failed to acknowledge many IP claims. The ESIA provides census data (11k Mapuches) but no more |
MCanuelas | 36533 | Argentina | B | Canuelas is southwest of Buenos Aires - there are Mapuche and other indigenous claims throughout the area where agricultural inputs could be sourced |
Pan American Energy | 36146 | Argentina | B | The Nequen basin is Mapuche land |
HDB Barging | 31445 | Uruguay | B | HDB changes the flow of Amazonian rivers and increases access for agriculture without considering impacts on Amazonian IPs (See HDB Barging 34846) |
IEnova Corp | 42260 | Mexico | B | N and Central Mexico are home to IPs and while IFC gives no clear project location it concludes "there are no traditional lands or communities" in the vicinity |
Kipoi Copper | 36313 | Congo - Democratic Republic of | B | IFC does not say how it determined the non-indigeneity of people in Katanga to conclude that: "PS7 is not applicable as there are no indigenous people in the project area |
Mauricio de Nassau II | 32648 | Brazil | B | The location changed in 2013 from Arcaju and Fortaleza but footprint analysis did not though IPs are present across the Northern regions of Brazil |
Mauricio Equity | 33578 | Brazil | B | The location changed but no new IP assessment was required for new footprints. The Northern regions of Brazil have significant populations that merit PS7 protection |
Minerva Beef | 32247 | Brazil | A | deforestation - child/forced labor - encroachment on Indigenous People land" are linked to the client as severe and irreversible risks but no PS7 was pursued |