Projects Missing Indigenous Peoples (PS7) Analysis

The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.

Project NameProject NumberCountryCategoryNature of Indigenous Risk
CP Achiras SA 39358 Argentina B Lands were acquired from willing sellers but contested claims by IPs were not considered. IPs are described as "withdrawn" and would not have been identified without effort
La Castellana 39065 Argentina A There are Mapuche lands to the west of this site and Argentina has historically failed to acknowledge many IP claims. The ESIA provides census data (11k Mapuches) but no more
MCanuelas 36533 Argentina B Canuelas is southwest of Buenos Aires - there are Mapuche and other indigenous claims throughout the area where agricultural inputs could be sourced
Pan American Energy 36146 Argentina B The Nequen basin is Mapuche land
HDB Barging 31445 Uruguay B HDB changes the flow of Amazonian rivers and increases access for agriculture without considering impacts on Amazonian IPs (See HDB Barging 34846)
IEnova Corp 42260 Mexico B N and Central Mexico are home to IPs and while IFC gives no clear project location it concludes "there are no traditional lands or communities" in the vicinity
Kipoi Copper 36313 Congo - Democratic Republic of B IFC does not say how it determined the non-indigeneity of people in Katanga to conclude that: "PS7 is not applicable as there are no indigenous people in the project area
Mauricio de Nassau II 32648 Brazil B The location changed in 2013 from Arcaju and Fortaleza but footprint analysis did not though IPs are present across the Northern regions of Brazil
Mauricio Equity 33578 Brazil B The location changed but no new IP assessment was required for new footprints. The Northern regions of Brazil have significant populations that merit PS7 protection
Minerva Beef 32247 Brazil A deforestation - child/forced labor - encroachment on Indigenous People land" are linked to the client as severe and irreversible risks but no PS7 was pursued

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