Projects Missing Indigenous Peoples (PS7) Analysis

The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.

Project NameProject NumberCountryCategoryNature of Indigenous Risk
BHG 32797 Brazil B Quilombola and Indigenous lands intersect with urban zoning and project documentation does not say where hotels will be built
CBG Expansion 34203 Guinea A CBG is facing claims from self-declared indigenous peoples whose culture is distinct from the ethnic majorities of Guinea but IFC uses "IFC policies" to determine "PS7 is not applicable
Cibrafertil 38380 Brazil B ESRS mentions community impact mitigation but names no communities - it's really hard to know who is downstream or downwind from operations
CMSA Manzanillo 33776 Mexico A Manzanilla was originally an indigenous port (puerto indigena de Tzalahua). Those ties may be gone but the greenfield development did not apparently consider them
Companhia do Vale do Araguaia 33683 Brazil B IFC acknowledged the need for "careful screening" to safeguard indigenous people in teak forestry in Brazil but didn't apply PS7 to assure the prevention/mitigation of impacts
Farmoquimica 39739 Brazil B IFC does not note where agricultural inputs come from but bypasses PS7 based on locations of "current operations" in "industrial zones
Guinea Alumina Corporation 24374 Guinea A Boke region is home to the two dominant ethnic groups as well as a small population of ethnic minority peoples whose livelihoods and culture distinguish them from others
Acciona Benban III 39997 Egypt B IFC financed 11 of 39 projects in the new 37km2 industrial zone. IFC does not describe downgradient or legacy IP/herder impacts but noted there are no IPs presently "in the project area
National Cement Company II 40496 Kenya B The facilities - as before - are on Mbirikani Group Ranch (MGR) lands - one of the six large Maasai land holdings in southeastern Kenya. The Maasai are not mentioned.
Xiang Niang II 42401 China B Operations at the Khorgos border crossing - Xinjiang

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