Projects Missing Indigenous Peoples (PS7) Analysis

The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.

Project NameProject NumberCountryCategoryNature of Indigenous Risk
Zalar Agri 42268 Morocco B The project includes sites in Berber corridors and could increase competition for water resources. IFC only considered "the Company's operational footprint
Ceramic Tile AF 42507 Senegal B Brightstar's urban footprint is unlikely to impact IPs but an analysis of clay sourcing is absent
ETC India II 43027 India B Operational footprint is described as unchanged - but changes in capacity would increase ag inputs. Industrial ag is displacing SC/ST populations in the region
Minsheng Edu II 42960 China B The expansion plan 2017-20 (Sichuan - Yunnan - Guizhou - Chongqing - Tibet - Shaanxi - Gansu - Qinghai - Xinjiang - Ningxia - Guangxi and Inner Mongolia) includes IP lands
Adecoagro Dairy 42467 Argentina B IFC considers footprints of Agrotec's distribution centers but not the possibility that increased access to agricultural inputs adjacent to IP lands could spur ag expansion there
Fiber AtHome Debt 41289 Bangladesh B Fiberoptic cabling of the whole country crosses indigenous "Considering the nature of business operations and project activities and based on IFC's review during project appraisal
MAL PRAN 43681 Bangladesh B IFC concludes neither indigenous peoples nor culturally sensitive sites are present but does not describe agricultural sourcing
SaMi 41438 Argentina B Capex involves agricultural expansion but IFC does not say where. PS review gives no indication that IP evaluation was undertaken but E/S risk/impact "identification process" will find IPs in the future
Lekela EG Wind I 40137 Egypt A Uncultivated and uninhabited land" is often important to herders -- has this been evaluated?
Cabo Telecom III 41688 Brazil B Footprint expansion should evaluate impacts on quilombolas near Natal and Fortaleza. "no land is ever acquired" by the operation but poles and wire impact lands

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