The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.
Project Name | Project Number | Country | Category | Nature of Indigenous Risk |
Phoenix Tower B IV | 42497 | Brazil | B | IFC concludes IPs will not be impacted without knowing locations for new towers. "Willing" sellers and a policy to notify IFC if IP land impacts are identified stand in for PS7 application |
GTSF McCormick | 30372 | World Region | B | The evaluation excludes indigeneity of agricultural labor or farm conversion to industrial crops - the biggest indigenous issues for SC/ST in McCormicks sourcing regions in India |
Umeme Capex | 41897 | Uganda | B | This is the only Umeme loan to observe that land becomes unusable beneath transmission lines. IFC requires LRP and RAP but skips PS7 b/c there are "no" IPs in Uganda |
Basrah Gas Co | 39146 | Iraq | B | This is Shell Iraq. Basra is home to a large population of Faili Kurds yet "no Indigenous Peoples have been identified within BNGL's project location |
SECI Benban II Arinna | 40019 | Egypt | B | IFC financed 11 of 39 projects in the new 37km2 industrial zone. IFC does not describe downgradient or legacy IP/herder impacts but noted there are no IPs presently "in the project area |
Alcazar Solar III | 40386 | Egypt | B | IFC financed 11 of 39 projects in the new 37km2 industrial zone. IFC does not describe downgradient or legacy IP/herder impacts but noted there are no IPs presently "in the project area |
Alcazar Solar IV | 40390 | Egypt | B | IFC financed 11 of 39 projects in the new 37km2 industrial zone. IFC does not describe downgradient or legacy IP/herder impacts but noted there are no IPs presently "in the project area |
Bujagali II | 39102 | Uganda | A | It is difficult to say if the Busoga affected by the project self-identify as indigenous without engaging them. The river has immense cultural importance to them but IFC refuted their indigeneity |
Phoenix Tower B III | 40763 | Brazil | B | IFC does not say if this project will increase connectivity for IPs or exclude them in rollout. Without triggering PS7 IFC requires client notification if "a new facility is proposed" on/near IP land |
Westfalia Intl | 40091 | South Africa | B | IPs in Chile/Colombia/Mexico could be affected by agriculture. IFC claims the client doesn't have "assets or land" that harm IPs nor purchases from them but never indicates footprints |