Projects Missing Indigenous Peoples (PS7) Analysis

The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.

Project NameProject NumberCountryCategoryNature of Indigenous Risk
Golden Towers 37255 Vietnam B Unknown footprint for expanded operations is not addressed - but the project has been removed from the IFC portfolio.
COFCO Noble 37939 World Region A 5 times 4 (2015-2018) IFC unsuccessfully required COFCO to source materials with "respect" of IPs. COFCO's Brazil (sugarcane and soy) Paraguay - Argentina - India operations affect IPs. IPs are not mentioned even as potential impacts on “ecologically se
CMSA Manzanillo 33776 Mexico B Manzanilla was originally an indigenous port (puerto indigena de Tzalahua). Those ties may be gone but the greenfield development did not apparently consider them
Bridge International 32171 Kenya B If schools are on indigenous lands there is an obligation to teach indigenous cultures (otherwise PS7 and FPIC are both in question). School sites did not document IP assessment
BMM Cement 36301 India B SC and ST have strong presence in Andhra Pradesh (and SCs Gudipadu) but are not mentioned at all
Aura Solar 32871 Mexico B ESIA states "the project is not located in or near IP lands" thus IPs "were not the focus of this review." IPs were the documented focus of any review
Al-Jebrini 41853 West Bank and Gaza B IFC only considers current "presence" of IPs "within the Company's operational footprint." Questions persist about original land acquisition (PS7 Para 6)
Afriflora 35938 Ethiopia B Lake Ziway is a vital resource for pastoralists - local indigenous populations and food supply. Competition for water resources was not evaluated for PS7 - only project footprint
Alqueria II 39308 Colombia B Dairy farm expansion could infringe on IP lands but is not considered because the impacts are by suppliers not project footprint - IP farmers are identified but not apparently engaged
COMASA 41995 Nicaragua B IFC identifies no IPs "in the area of influence of the centers that will be financed." Agriculture sourcing - often from IP land - is not described

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