Projects Missing Indigenous Peoples (PS7) Analysis

The database assembled by NomoGaia analyzing public data regarding IFC’s potential impact on indigenous peoples is available on this page, both as a downloadable file and through the search function below.

Project NameProject NumberCountryCategoryNature of Indigenous Risk
Esquire Knit Composite Limited 40683 Bangladesh B The land has already been "purchased" but Mymensingh Dist. has IPs who might have stewarded the land without legal title. "Free from any settlers" now - IFC does not mention if there was prior displacement
HKY2 40900 China B Although the project is in Inner Mongolia - ancestral home to IPs - IFC did not apply PS7 because IPs have "not been identified in the existing footprint of HKY operations"
Mbiza Blueberries 40468 South Africa B Operations spread throughout South Africa should consider IPs - even if impacts are ultimately not identified. Only PS1-3 are considered
Sao Martinho I 37809 Brazil B IFC bypassed PS7 using the same language used to trigger PS7 in Brazil Biosev (No. 34607) - quilombolas are registered in SP and Goias and the mill has used IP forced labor
SECI Mahindra 42683 India B 47 percent of pop is SC/ST. Land acquisition ignored indigeneity of landless 'sharecroppers'. Water resources and mobility could be affected - this is the 3rd solar farm in the area
Sunergise Equity 34235 Solomon Islands - PNG - Fiji B Project documentation acknowledges that it's on indigenous land but considers since it requires a "willing basis" - PS7 won't apply. This isn't PS7-aligned analysis
Arla AFISA 35983 Argentina B Food processing requires agricultural inputs - but IFC does not disclose agricultural sourcing
Asa Alimentos 32759 Brazil B IFC does not disclose where livestock is farmed. Animal husbandry is among the leading causes of indigenous displacement and deforestation in Brazil.
Condor Gold Plc 32519 Nicaragua B El Salvador and Nicaragua could affect IPs and IP lands.
Copeval 32777 Chile B There is no clear footprint aside from "agricultural" - which should necessitate at least consideration of PS7

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