Nomogaia is a nonprofit research organization focused on business and human rights. We draw on diverse backgrounds and skillsets to produce reports and tools that can serve as examples of human rights due diligence and approaches.


Kendyl Salcito
Executive Director
Kendyl Salcito developed her expertise in human rights and business as a foreign reporter in Southeast Asia and North America. She has advised industry groups on corporate human rights performance and contributed to the development of the UN’s Guidance Principles for Human Rights and Business. Outside of NomoGaia, she is the Director of Human Rights for Alcoa – a role explained here. She holds a PhD from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Epidemiology, an MA in Journalism from the University of British Columbia and a BA in History from Princeton University.

Mark Wielga
Mark Wielga has over twenty-five years direct experience with human rights in action. He has managed and performed human rights impact assessments on large footprint corporate projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America. He has worked with transnational corporations to design and implement corporate human rights policies as well as emergency responses to urgent human rights controversies. He has taught, lectured and published on human rights and corporate social responsibility in universities and institutions around the world. Mr. Wielga is a lawyer licensed in the United States and his extensive international legal experience informs his human rights work.

Elizabeth Wise
Elizabeth Wise has been publicly advocating for human rights protection for nearly two decades, both as a journalist and as a public relations consultant. Writing for the Economist, Financial Times, AP and Reuters, human rights were central in her work in conflict zones. Wise has tackled such critical issues as the Rwanda genocide, the creation of the WTO, and peace talks in the Sudan. Since 2004, she has been working with multinational corporations to examine their workplace and community policies for responsible solutions to complex social issues. She has lived and worked in Europe, Africa and the U.S. and speaks fluent French and Italian.

Margarita Parejo
Senior Associate
Margarita Parejo has over twelve years of experience in human rights due diligence, implementation of responsible business conduct standards, public and prior consultation processes, and rightsholder engagement. Prior to joining NomoGaia, she served for four years as a researcher and as the human rights due diligence coordinator at Colombian think-and-do-tank Fundación Ideas para la Paz (FIP), leading human rights due diligence processes and training. Margarita’s work includes research, analysis and communication for NomoGaia’s Accountability and Remedy Project. She is fluent in Spanish and English.

Megan Uren
Legal Advisor
Megan Uren is NomoGaia’s Legal Advisor for Supply Chain and Sustainability Due Diligence, serving in this role since June 2024. She has a background in civil litigation, environmental law and and Indian law, with a strong foundation in international business and human rights. Megan holds a BA in International Relations and Affairs from Trinity University and a JD from the University of Denver Sturm School of Law
Annual reports

NomoGaia is a federally registered nonprofit organization based in Denver, Colorado. Our Annual Reports provide information about operations on a yearly basis. These reports are supplemented with IRS Form 990 filings associated with our 501(c)3 nonprofit status (EIN is 33-1203791).
NomoGaia’s mission is to promote respect for human rights
The cornerstones of human rights are dignity and equality, and a core principle is inclusion. We have always held that our research and methodologies in human rights should never adversely affect the rights of the people we engage in our work. The same holds true for people we employ to conduct that work.
Diversity, equality and inclusion are imperative both to assure that we are a rights-respectful organization and to empower us to do our best possible work. Diversity strengthens analysis. A workforce of diverse gender, race, ethnicity, religion, geography, sexuality and languages empowers us to more holistically understand human rights and drive respectful treatment.