A favorite buzz word in international development is “scalability.” People want to know that, if $10 will make a difference in one life, then $1,000 will make a difference in 100 lives.
The average number of people directly affected by our fieldwork is about 1000, and it takes us roughly $6,000 to do a holistic analysis of human rights conditions to persuasively argue to a company that changes are needed.
But that’s not where the value of that study stops. Because NomoGaia publishes everything we do, we have the most copied methodology for human rights impact assessment in the world. If we were running a business, obviously that would be a problem.
We’re not. We’re doing this because we want to be copied. The more our work is recognized, the more leverage decision-makers have to push companies to be better.
By publishing our work in academic literature and putting our assessments online, this year alone we’ve secured the ear of the US Government’s Department of Labor and Rights, the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, the World Bank and the Tanzanian human rights commission, among others. These national and international decision-makers have a tool on hand to prove companies can do better because you’ve made our work possible.

Your donations can protect this cattle’s watersheds and grazing lands for its owner! But your donation can’t donate her to anyone.
Your donation to NomoGaia will not ensure that any one child goes to school or that any one family has dinner this month. Instead, it will ensure that the school near any one of our research sites is sufficiently staffed and funded (by a company, not by you) to meet the corporate standard of “do no harm.” It will ensure that the wages of any employee or contractor at our research sites is sufficiently compensated to feed his family, pay school fees, fund transportation to seek medical care, and live in an adequate house. Your dollars to NomoGaia fund the research that elicits commitments from multinational corporations. These companies have the presence, financing and incentive to make lasting change for local communities, and we can make sure those changes happen.
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Thank you, thank you, thank you for making it through this week and for being so generous with your support.