  • The Business and Human Rights Resource Center contains a compendium of almost all the latest news and reporting on business and human rights. Their Weekly Update is a critical reference for practitioners.
  • While several organizations have published methodologies for human rights impact assessment to date, aside from NomoGaia, only the Danish Institute for Human Rights  has clearly articulated a commitment to adhere to human rights principles in conducting human rights due diligence. The DIHR Toolbox for HRIA aligns closely with the NomoGaia methodology and is well regarded by leading practitioners.
  • For guidance on Meaningful Engagement with affected stakeholders, we recommend guidance produced by the OECD in close collaboration with civil society groups (including NomoGaia.)
  • Anyone seeking to understand the shortcomings of grievance mechanisms and access to remedy should start with SOMO’s “Glass Half Full” report from 2016.

Academic and other papers published by NomoGaia personnel (please email us at for PDF files if you do not have access to these publications)
